

Brev CLI Reference Docs

The Brev CLI wraps SSH to quickly get you in your instance, while also letting you do almost everything you can do from the console from the command line.

Every command has a --help flag if you need to see options.

Brev CLI commands are broken up into 4 categories:

  • Workspace commands
  • Context commands
  • SSH command
  • Housekeeping commands.

Installation Instructions

Install the Brev CLI to easily jump in and out of your instances, scale hardware and manage your org:

brew install brevdev/homebrew-brev/brev && brev login

If you had trouble installing let us know in our Discord!

Workspace Commands


Delete a Workspace by name or ID.


    brev delete [ Workspace Name or ID... ]


Deleting a workspace will permanently delete a workspace from your account. This command will delete all content in the workspace and any volumes associated with the workspace. This command is not reversable and can result in lost work.


Delete a workspace
$ brev delete payments-frontend
Deleting workspace payments-frontend. This can take a few minutes. Run 'brev ls' to check status
Delete multiple workspaces
$ brev delete bar euler54 naive-pubsub jupyter
Deleting workspace bar. This can take a few minutes. Run 'brev ls' to check status
Deleting workspace euler54. This can take a few minutes. Run 'brev ls' to check status
Deleting workspace naive-pubsub. This can take a few minutes. Run 'brev ls' to check status
Deleting workspace jupyter. This can take a few minutes. Run 'brev ls' to check status



This command deletes your machine and gets you a fresh one. Make sure to have a .brev setup script or you'll have to reinstall everythign manually.

Note: even if not committed, the .brev/ script will persist because everythign in /home/workspace will be saved. 👆 This makes it really easy to change your environment without needing to commit the changes to main.


reset a workspace with the name payments-frontend

$ brev reset payments-frontend
Workspace payments-frontend is resetting.
Note: this can take a few seconds. Run 'brev ls' to check status


create start and join a workspace


brev start { ARG | -e} {-n | --name} {-c | --class} { -s | --setup-script}
	{-r | --setup-repo} {-p | --setup-path } { -o | --org}


brev start can do the following:

  • start a stopped workspace
  • join a workspace in an organization
  • create an empty workspace
  • create a workspace from a directory on your computer
  • create a workspace from a git url


-n --name <name>

specify the name for your workspace instead of brev-cli generating one for you.

for example, to override the name of a workspace when creating a workspace from a git repo you could do it with then -n flag. This example creates a repo with the name cli from the git repo

$ brev start -n cli


Create an empty workspace
$ brev start -e -n foo

which has an output similar too:

name foo
template 4nbb4lg2s ubuntu
resource class 2x8
workspace group brev-test-brevtenant-cluster
workspace is starting. this can take up to 2 minutes the first time.

you can safely ctrl+c to exit
⣽  workspace is deploying
your workspace is ready!

connect to the workspace:
	brev open foo	# brev open <name> -> open workspace in preferred editor
	brev shell foo	# brev shell <name> -> ssh into workspace (shortcut)
	ssh foo-8j4u	# ssh <ssh-name> -> ssh directly to workspace


$ brev start --empty --name foo

which has an output similar too:

name foo
template 4nbb4lg2s ubuntu
resource class 2x8
workspace group brev-test-brevtenant-cluster
workspace is starting. this can take up to 2 minutes the first time.

you can safely ctrl+c to exit
⣽  workspace is deploying
your workspace is ready!

connect to the workspace:
	brev open foo	# brev open <name> -> open workspace in preferred editor
	brev shell foo	# brev shell <name> -> ssh into workspace (shortcut)
	ssh foo-8j4u	# ssh <ssh-name> -> ssh directly to workspace

view your workspace with brev ls

create a workspace, and do not block shell until workspace is created

use the -d or --detached flag to create a workspace and immediately exit rather than wait for workspace to be successfully created before exiting.

$ brev start -d -e -n bar

which has an output similar too:

name bar
template 4nbb4lg2s ubuntu
resource class 2x8
workspace group brev-test-brevtenant-cluster
Workspace is starting. This can take up to 2 minutes the first time.
Create a workspace from a file path

if in your current directory has a directory in it called merge-json, you can create a workspace using the contents of that directory using brev start merge-json

$ ls
$ brev start merge-json

which has an output similar too:

Workspace is starting. This can take up to 2 minutes the first time.

name merge-json
template 4nbb4lg2s ubuntu
resource class 2x8
workspace group brev-test-brevtenant-cluster
You can safely ctrl+c to exit
⡿  workspace is deploying
Your workspace is ready!

Connect to the workspace:
	brev open merge-json	# brev open <NAME> -> open workspace in preferred editor
	brev shell merge-json	# brev shell <NAME> -> ssh into workspace (shortcut)
	ssh merge-json-wd6q	# ssh <SSH-NAME> -> ssh directly to workspace
Create a workspace from a git repository
$ brev start

which has an output similar too:

Workspace is starting. This can take up to 2 minutes the first time.

name react-starter-app
template 4nbb4lg2s ubuntu
resource class 2x8
workspace group brev-test-brevtenant-cluster
You can safely ctrl+c to exit
⣾  workspace is deploying
Your workspace is ready!

Connect to the workspace:
	brev open react-starter-app	# brev open <NAME> -> open workspace in preferred editor
	brev shell react-starter-app	# brev shell <NAME> -> ssh into workspace (shortcut)
	ssh react-starter-app-8v8p	# ssh <SSH-NAME> -> ssh directly to workspace
Join a workspace in your orginization

view your orgs workspaces with brev ls --all. Workspaces in your org that you have not joined appear at the bottom of the output.

$ brev ls --all

which has an output similar too:

You have 1 workspace in Org
 NAME                             STATUS    URL                                                                       ID
 brev-cli                         RUNNING                         x1yxqp09m

Connect to running workspace:
	brev open brev-cli	# brev open <NAME> -> open workspace in preferred editor
	brev shell brev-cli	# brev shell <NAME> -> ssh into workspace (shortcut)
	ssh brev-cli-p09m	# ssh <SSH-NAME> -> ssh directly to workspace

7 other projects in Org
 NAME                        MEMBERS
 new-docs                          1
 brev-landing-page                 2
 todo-app                          1
 vagrant-guide                     1
 mern-template                     1
 solidity-nextjs-starter           1
 akka-http-quickstart-scala        1

Join a project:
	brev start new-docs

join the project new-docs

$ brev start new-docs

which has an output similar too:

Name flag omitted, using auto generated name: new-docs
Workspace is starting. This can take up to 2 minutes the first time.

name new-docs
template 4nbb4lg2s ubuntu
resource class 2x8
workspace group brev-test-brevtenant-cluster
You can safely ctrl+c to exit
⣟  workspace is deploying Connect to the workspace:
	brev open new-docs	# brev open <NAME> -> open workspace in preferred editor
	brev shell new-docs	# brev shell <NAME> -> ssh into workspace (shortcut)
	ssh new-docs-pek9	# ssh <SSH-NAME> -> ssh directly to workspace
Start a stopped workspace

If you have already joined a workspace and have stopped it with brev stop, you can start it again with brev start

view your current workspaces with brev ls

$ brev ls

which has an output similar too:

You have 1 workspace in Org
 NAME                             STATUS     URL                                                                       ID
 linear-client                    STOPPED                    gov5jyw1a

Connect to running workspace:
	brev open linear-client	# brev open <NAME> -> open workspace in preferred editor
	brev shell linear-client	# brev shell <NAME> -> ssh into workspace (shortcut)
	ssh linear-client-yw1a	# ssh <SSH-NAME> -> ssh directly to workspace

join the workspace

$ brev start linear-client

which has an output similar too:

Workspace linear-client is starting.
Note: this can take about a minute. Run 'brev ls' to check status

You can safely ctrl+c to exit

Note: if you want to make multiple workspaces with the same git repo, use the --name flag with brev start You can have multiple workspaces with the same git repo, however, each workspace must have a unique name.


If you don't plan on using your Brev workspace, you can temporarily pause it by running

brev stop workspace_name

Everything in /home/workspace will be saved when it boots up again.

stop multiple workspaces

$ brev stop brev-deploy naive-pubsub bar euler54 merge-json
Workspace brev-deploy is stopping.
Note: this can take a few seconds. Run 'brev ls' to check status
Workspace naive-pubsub is stopping.
Note: this can take a few seconds. Run 'brev ls' to check status
Workspace bar is stopping.
Note: this can take a few seconds. Run 'brev ls' to check status
Workspace euler54 is stopping.
Note: this can take a few seconds. Run 'brev ls' to check status
Workspace merge-json is stopping.
Note: this can take a few seconds. Run 'brev ls' to check status



	brev port-forward WS_NAME  [--port LOCAL_PORT:REMOTE_PORT]


port forward allows you to forward a port from a brev workspace to a port on your local machine.


Forward a port from a workspace to localhost

port forward port 3333 on a workspace with the name brev-docs to port 3000 on your localhost

$ brev port-forward brev-docs --port 3000:3333

which has an output similar to

2022/07/14 11:29:02 creating new ssh config
localhost:3000 -> brev-docs-xp43:3333
Interactively port forward a workspace:

To interacticely select which port to forward from a brev workspace to your localhost, run brev-port-forward with no flag

$ brev port-forward brev-docs

Ports flag was omitted, running interactive mode!

What port on your Brev machine would you like to forward? 3333
What port should it be on your local machine? 3000

-p 3000:3333
2022/07/14 11:31:30 creating new ssh config
localhost:3000 -> brev-docs-xp43:3333

Cost Optimization commands

brev optimize


	brev optimize [ec2 instance ids ...]


optimize will install cost optimization software on your ec2 instances.


Optimize ec2 instances
$ brev optimize i-0a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8 i-0a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h9

brev optimize-this


	brev optimize-this


optimize-this will install cost optimization software on the ec2 instance you are currently on.


Optimize ec2 instance
$ brev optimize-this

Context Commands

Brev commands run within the context of an organization, this way it's really clear if something is running under your personal account or under your organization's. Most commands support an --active-org flag for scripting purposes.


Print a tabular view of your workspaces or orgs

# print orgs
brev ls orgs

# print workspaces within active organization
brev ls

# print workspaces within any organization
brev ls --org org_name


Set the organization context for your commands.

brev set <org name>

Housekeeping Commands


Jetbrains, unfortunately, doesn't use the standard SSH file, and instead uses a custom XML file. To establish a connection between your local computer and all of the workspaces in your organization, run:

brev jetbrains

This command runs a helper proxy for jetbrains products that allows your jetbrains IDEs ssh access. It does not update if new workspaces are created or deleted, so please stop the process and re-run it to update it.

Note: this will hold your shell. Keep this process running to keep the connection live. If there's a timeout for whatever reason, please ctrl+c and re-run brev jetbrains.



	brev login [--token] [--skip-browser]


This function log's you in to your brev account, and preforms some actions that brev needs to function with you user account such as set up config files and

  • creates ~/.brev/ directory if it does not exist
  • if you don't have an account on brev, the browser step will create one for you
  • on first run asks you onboarding questions
  • on first run asks you to configure ssh keys
  • creates your first org if one does not exist
  • imports your ide config for your workspaces



$ brev login

See Also


Remove your keys and logout

brev logout


If you have personal settings, such as aliases or shortcuts in your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bash_profile, you can sync them with to make sure every workspace you create has them.

Create a git repo with setup script at ~.brev/ or fork our example here. Once your setup is copied over, add it to your profile with

brev profile --set-personal-config _git_repo_url_


As a troubleshooting measure, you can force the cache to refresh if you suspect they're stale.

brev refresh


Get your ssh keys to add to your git provider.

brev ssh-key

Quick links to add it to Github or Gitlab